Memphis Baptist Ministers' Alliance
The Baptist Memphis Baptist Mission and Education Union Number One
Article I
The organization shall be known as “Memphis Baptist Mission and Education Union Number One.”
Article II
The purpose of the organization shall be to help missionaries to develop and become more knowledgeable concerning the work of missions in the home, church and community; to build love devotion and fellowship among Baptist missionaries in Memphis and Tennessee; to promote Christian education throughout the city of Memphis and state of Tennessee.
Article III
Membership in this organization shall consist of missionary societies in Memphis and in Tennessee. Each church shall pay as dues an amount voted on by the organization. Anyone in good standing in a Baptist Church shall be eligible to become a member and shall have one vote on issues.
Article IV
Section I - The officers of the organization shall consist of or shall be President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Recording Secretary, Assistant Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Assistant Corresponding Secretary, Financial Secretary, Treasurer, Music Director, Pianist and Devotional Leader, all of whom shall hold offices until their successors are elected and qualified. The President shall not be eligible to election to more than four consecutive terms until at least one year has elapsed.
This amendment becomes effective with the 2017 term of office.
Section 2 - A nominating committee consisting of one member from each church represented shall be appointed in the November meeting each year, and the report of this meeting shall be read and acted upon in the December meeting. Voting shall be by acclamation. The standing committee shall be appointed by the president and approved by the body.
Article V
This organization shall meet on the second Monday in each month at 11:00 a.m. with September meeting at 7:00 p.m. at a place designated, subject to approval of the Baptist Ministers’ Alliance.
Article VI
Funds raised by this organization shall be used for operating expenses, representation fees in the A nnual Session of the Tennessee Baptist Missionary and Education Convention and the support of LeMoyne Owen College or other objectives, subject to approval of the Baptist Ministers’ Alliance. LeMoyne Owen College shall be the first objective.
Article VII
These by-laws may be amended at any regular meeting by a two-thirds vote of members regularly enrolled and in good standing with their churches, provided such amendment has been submitted in writing at a previous meeting subject to approval of the Baptist Ministers’
Memphis Baptist Missionary & Education City Union 1#
Officers as of January 2021
President--------------------------------------------------------------Dr. Pearlie M. Kent
Alliance Advisor--------------------------------------------------------