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Memphis Baptist City Laymen’s Movement


Article I - Nomenclature


The name of this organization shall be the Memphis Baptist City Laymen’s Movement.


Article II - Purpose


The purpose of this organization shall be (a) to help laymen become more knowledgeable concerning the work of laymen in the churches, associations, and convention, and (b) to help laymen become more knowledgeable about the programs missionary and educational objectives of Tennessee Baptists; (c) to build fellowship and communication among Baptist laymen in Memphis and in Tennessee; (d) to cooperate with objective promoted through the Laymen’s Department of the Tennessee Baptist M. and E. Convention, and the Memphis Baptist Congress of Christian Education, and to bring men into a closer and more vital relationship with God.


Article III - Membership


Section 1 - Membership in this organization shall consist of laymen’s organizations in Baptist Churches in the city of Memphis and vicinity. Each church holding membership shall be entitled to three messengers who shall be eligible to vote on issues. Each church shall pay as dues an amount voted on by the organization; other contributions to the work of the organization shall be voluntary.

Section 2 - Any brother in good standing with a Baptist church in the city of Memphis or vicinity shall be eligible to become a member, and shall have one vote on issues if the church of his membership is not a member under section 1.


Article IV - Officers


Section 1 - The officers of the organization shall be President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Assistant Recording Secretary, Financial Secretary, Treasurer, and Chaplain. The President of the organization shall not be eligible to more than four consecutive one-year terms until at least one year has elapsed.

Section 2 - A nominating committee of not less than five or more than seven persons shall be appointed by the President in the November meeting each year. No more than one member of the committee shall be from any church. The report of this committee shall be read and acted upon in the December meeting; however, the report of the committee shall not exclude nomination from the floor.

Section 3 - There shall be an executive committee consisting of the elected officers of the organization.

Section 4 - The following standing committees shall be appointed by the president at each January meeting: Membership, Contact, Finance, Place of Meeting, Publicity and Program.


                     Article V - Time of Meeting Quorum


Section 1 - This organization shall meet on the fourth Saturday in each month at 12:00 p.m.

Section 2 - The place of meetings shall be determined by the body, acting on the report of the Place of Meeting Committee.

Section 3 - A quorum for conducting business shall be 9 members representing not less than 5 churches.


Article VI - Financial Objectives


Funds raised by this organization shall be used for operating expenses, and to further objectives of the Tennessee B.M. & E. Convention, including Memphis Baptist Congress of Christian Education, and any other objectives that may be decided upon by the organization which do not conflict with the above objectives or objectives approved by the Baptist Ministers’ Alliance.


Article VII - Amendments


The constitution may be amended at any regular meeting by a two-thirds vote of members present representing churches that are in good standing and individuals that are in good standing with their churches, provided, such amendments shall have been submitted in writing at a previous meeting, and is subject to the approval of the Baptist Ministers’ Alliance.


Memphis City Laymen Officers as of January 2021



President-----------------------------------------------------Brother Howard Payne


Alliance Advisor







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