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CONSTITUTION City Ushers’ Association


Article I - Nomenclature


The name of this organization shall be known as the City Ushers’ Association of Memphis Tennessee.


Article II - Purpose


The purpose of the City Ushers’ Association is to involve local Usher Boards in a unified group to (a) improve usher performance, (b) to propose suggestions for improvement and promote unity, (c) to cultivate fellowship and communication, (d) and to work toward the objectives of the Baptist Ministers’ Alliance.


Article III - Objectives


The objectives of the organization as an auxiliary of the Baptist Ministers’ Alliance shall be:

  1. to support LeMoyne-Owen College and the Tennessee B.M.& E. Convention;

  2. to develop better usher performance and promote growth and efficiency of ushers in the Ministers’ Alliance;

  3. to promote activities that will enhance community welfare.


Article IV Membership and Established Committees


Membership in this organization shall consist of Usher Boards of Baptist churches in Memphis and vicinity whose Pastor is a member of the Baptist Ministers’ Alliance and Sunday School and B.T.U., Congress

Section 1

A quorum for conducting business shall be seven (7) members representing not less than seven (7) churches

No more than (2) members from each church voting on any issue. 

Section 2

The field worker in cooperation with the membership committee shall contact every church and Pastor affiliated with the  Ministers’ Alliance, encouraging them to represent and cooperate with the  organization.


Article V - Officers


The officers of the organization shall be as follows: President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Third Vice President, Recording Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Financial Secretary, Assistant Financial Secretary, Treasurer, and Executive Advisor.

Section 1

All other officers shall be appointed by the president and approved by the members.  The president shall not be eligible to serve more than four (4) consecutive one (1) year terms, until at least one (1) year has elapsed or disabled or death.

Section 2

A nominating committee consisting of five (5) to seven (7) persons not more than one member per church, shall be appointed by the president in November of each year.  The slate of officers from the committee shall be acted upon in the December meeting; however, the report of the committee shall not exclude nominations from the floor. The officers should be installed in the January meeting.  All voting shall be by ballot.  The following standing committees and support persons shall be appointed by the president at each annual session: Membership, Finance, Social, Program, Budget, Publicity and Auditing; also Field Workers, Fifth Sunday Recording Secretaries, and Sargent-at-arms.


Article VI - Time and Place of Meetings


The business meeting will be the first Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m.  The location of the monthly meeting will be in the Alma Hansen Building at LeMoyne-Owen College.


Article VII Representation and Financial Objectives


Each usher is asked to contribute two (2) dollars each fifth Sunday in the year.  Annual Ushers’ Day will be observed the last fifth Sunday of the year.

All finance shall come under the jurisdiction of the City Ushers’ Association.


City Ushers Association Officers as of January 2021


President-----------------------------------------------Sister Audrey Ivorey



Corresponding Secretary--email


Alliance Advisor--Rev. Donald Wicks

Pastor Geeter Park Baptist Church


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