Memphis Baptist Ministers' Alliance
Deacons’ & Trustees’ Wives Ministry
Article I: Name
The name of this organization shall be “Deacons’ and Trustees’ Wives Ministry.”
The purpose of this organization shall be to help the wives (1) to become more knowledgeable concerning the work of the churches and associations, (2) to become more knowledgeable about programs, missionaries and education, and (3) to promote unity, fellowship and communication among each other.
Article III: Objectives
The objectives of this organization are three-fold as follows: 1. To support the lay ministry of deacons and trustees.
To support Christian education in general and LeMoyneOwen College in particular.
To have Christian fellowship among its members who represent the various churches within the organization.
Article IV: Membership
Membership in this organization shall consist of Deacons’ and Trustees’ wives and widows who are members in good standing of the various local churches, and who fit the biblical profile as set forth in I Timothy 3:11.
Article V: Officers
The officers of this organization shall be as follows: President, First Vice-President, Second Vice President, Third Vice President, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Financial Secretary, Treasurer, Chaplain, and Advisor. The Advisor must be a member of the Baptist Ministers’ Alliance in good standing.
The President shall appoint all committees.
Article VI: Meetings
The regular meetings of this organization shall be held on Tuesday after the first Sunday of each month at 11:00 am. Special meetings shall be called by the president when conditions warrant.
Article VII: Financial Requirements
Each member is asked to pay $3.00 monthly dues. The annual dues of each church shall be $25.00. Funds raised in special project is to help increase the amount giving to LeMoyne-Owen College and education. Dues are due by the first Tuesday in March
This constitution may be amended at any regular meeting by a two-thirds vote of the members present and in good standing with their churches and representing churches that are in good standing, provided a request for an amendment has been previously submitted. All amendments to this constitution must be approved by the Memphis Baptist Ministers’ Alliance.
Deacons & Trustees Wives Ministry Officers as of January 2021
President-----------------------------------------------------Mrs. Josephine A. Bennett
Alliance Advisor------------------------------------------------------Rev. Rodney J. Echols
Pastor--Greater Middle Baptist